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I take trampolining classes after work as I am a level 1 coach.  I qualified as a coach to bring in extra money at university, now I just do it for the enjoyment and so I won't get rusty.  It also enables me to sneak in a few goes of my own.

I enjoy playing Half-life over the internet now that I have a cable modem.  I find this is a wonderful to get rid of any pent-up aggression without having to take it out on your partner.

Of course, shopping is high on the agenda, life wouldn't be the same without it.  It is a good method of meeting up with friends and taking in fresh air whilst actually spending money.  This is wonderful cheer-up material!

Spending time with my friends is also important, this could be through shopping as already mentioned, down at the social club playing pool or darts or playing a board game at one of our houses.

     Site Created and Maintained by Katherine Batchelor                                Last Updated: 08-Jun-2003